Source code for nclib.process

import subprocess
import os
import random

from .netcat import Netcat

[docs]class Process(Netcat): """ A mechanism for launching a local process and interacting with it programatically. This class is a subclass of the basic `Netcat` object so you may use any method from that class to interact with the process you've launched! :param program: The program to launch. Can be either a list of strings, in which case those strings will become the program argv, or a single string, in which case the shell will be used to launch the program. :param stderr: How the program's stderr stream should behave. True (default) will redirect stderr to the output socket, unifying it with stdout. False will redirect it to /dev/null. None will not touch it, causing it to appear on your terminal. :param cwd: The working directory to execute the program in :param env: The environment to execute the program in, as a dictionary Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to the constructor of Netcat. WARNING: If you provide a string and not a list as the description for the program to launch, then the pid we know about will be associated with the shell that launches the program, not the program itself. *Example:* Launch the `cat` process and send it a greeting. Print out its response. Close the socket and the process exits with status 0. >>> from nclib import Process >>> cat = Process('cat') >>> cat.send('Hello world!') >>> print(cat.recv()) b'Hello world!' >>> cat.close() >>> print(cat.poll()) 0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, program, stderr=True, cwd=None, env=None, **kwargs): self._subprocess = self.launch(program, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd, env=env) = super().__init__( sock=self._subprocess.stdout, sock_send=self._subprocess.stdin, server='local program %s' % program, **kwargs)
[docs] def poll(self): """ Return the exit code of the proces, or None if it has not exited. """ return self._subprocess.poll()
[docs] def wait(self): """ Wait for the process to exit and return its exit code. """ return self._subprocess.wait()
[docs] def send_signal(self, sig): """ Send the signal `sig` to the process. """ return self._subprocess.send_signal(sig)
[docs] def kill(self): """ Terminate the process. """ return self._subprocess.kill()
[docs] @staticmethod def launch(program, sock=None, stderr=True, cwd=None, env=None): """ A static method for launching a process. Same rules from the Process constructor apply. :param sock: The socket to use for stdin/stdout. If None, will be a new set of pipes. """ if stderr is True: stderr = subprocess.STDOUT elif stderr is False: stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL if sock is None: sock = subprocess.PIPE return subprocess.Popen(program, shell=type(program) not in (list, tuple), stdin=sock, stdout=sock, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd, env=env, close_fds=True)
[docs]class GDBProcess(Process): """ Like nclib.Process, but also launches gdb (in a new $TERMINAL, by default gnome-terminal) to debug the process. """
[docs] def __init__(self, program, gdbscript=None, **kwargs): """ :param program: The program to launch. Can be either a list of strings, in which case those strings will become the program argv, or a single string, in which case the shell will be used to launch the program. :param stderr: How the program's stderr stream should behave. True (default) will redirect stderr to the output socket, unifying it with stdout. False will redirect it to /dev/null. None will not touch it, causing it to appear on your terminal. :param cwd: The working directory to execute the program in :param env: The environment to execute the program in, as a dictionary :param protocol: The socket protocol to use. 'tcp' by default, can also be 'udp' :param gdbscript: The filename of a script for gdb to execute automatically on startup Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to the constructor of Netcat. """ super(GDBProcess, self).__init__(program, **kwargs) progbase = (program.split() if type(program) not in (list, tuple) else program)[0] # TODO: this should be refactored so it's the other way around # we should be fromatting stuff into bytestrings since that's what goes into the syscalls if bytes is not str and type(progbase) is bytes: progbase = progbase.decode() gdbcmd = 'gdb %s -ex "set sysroot" -ex "target remote tcp::%d"' % (progbase, self._subprocess._gdbport) # pylint: disable=no-member if gdbscript is not None: gdbcmd += " -x '%s'" % (gdbscript.replace("'", "'\"'\"'")) nul = open(os.devnull, 'r+b') t = os.environ.get("TERMINAL", "gnome-terminal").split() self.term = subprocess.Popen(t + ['-e', gdbcmd], close_fds=True, stdin=nul, stdout=nul, stderr=nul) self.recv_until(b'pid = ') = int(self.recvline()) self.recvline() self.recvline()
@classmethod def launch(cls, program, *args, **kwargs): gdbport = random.randint(32768, 60999) # default /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range on my machine gdbcmd = ['gdbserver', 'localhost:%d' % gdbport] if type(program) not in (list, tuple): if bytes is not str and type(program) is bytes: program = program.decode() program = '%s %s' % (' '.join(gdbcmd), program) else: program = gdbcmd + program p = super(GDBProcess, cls).launch(program, *args, **kwargs) p._gdbport = gdbport return p